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from kajang with love..

i've been to kajang yesterday to see my bloved grandma- she's not very wll and going back home at night.
some of picture i've taken during going back to home..

light perspective..

twin tower tower tower
red can't be justify
green: go!

from kajang - Genting

from my place

view of genting from IAB..


1st Time laa

xperlu assignment- xperlu kne suruh- xperlu dateline
ikut niat hati je..
cubaan pertama gne illustrator secara sukerela..
1 malam je siap dan kagum sendiri2..
di bawah ni adalah bukti..

and the final products: Rudy the Teddy and Mory the Frog.



baring-baringan di katil tanpa dicadarnya,
waktu masuknya matahari cahaya dari langit
dan gambaran langit yang biruibiru bernada-nada
sambil mata tutup rapi dengan pantulannya
dari matahari silaunya.
sementara lagu akan terdengar seperti Syurga
dari mengubati
dan corak-coraknya langit awan kemas tersusun
dan disebelahnya kitab untuk esok

lay-nap in bed with no sheets
the entry of the sun light from the sky
picture of blue sky and blue-pitched tone
eyes closed while closely with the reflection
glare from the sun
while the songs will sound just like heaven
of the cure
and the cloud-sky pattern neatly arranged
and next to the book for tomorrow